:: 1924.org ::
"The Islamic Khilafah has been absent from the world since 1924, leaving the world at the merciless hands of a decadent ideology that knows no limits or humanity. Today, Muslims the world over call for the re-establishment of the Khilafah, for we see no other way to liberate ourselves and indeed the world from Capitalism. 1924.org articulates the case for Islam as an ideological alternative. "
Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq (CASI)
"A humanitarian campaign to lift the U.N. sanctions against Iraq, run by students at Cambridge University. Unicef estimates an additional half million Iraqi children under five years old to have died under the sanctions."
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting: The National Media Watch Group
"FAIR is the national media watch group that offers well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship. We seek to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press. We scrutinize media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints."
Hank Roth's Progressive News and Views and how to survive the interNUT
"The internet isn't what it used to be. In many respects it has become a commercial toilet. Hundreds of articles, many of which deal directly with schemes and scams, news, education and health or politics, resources, and the best Black Hills Gold in the world."
"A site dedicated to showing a side to Hinduism which is not often portrayed. This is my attempt to show the dark side to this religion."
"A comprehensive website featuring authentic information about Islam and Muslims. Search Quran/Ahadith, Listen to Lectures, Attend Web Conferences, Read/Discuss News."
Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture
"Logos wants to foster a critical
dialogue on modern society, politics and culture. It publishes essays and book
reviews as well as new fiction and poetry."
"The latest from across Australia and the world, drawing on the resources of News Limited's 100 newspapers, 3000 journalists and a dedicated online team. Features top stories, breaking news and the latest national, world, business, entertainment, technology, audio and sports reports. NEWS.com.au is updated as news breaks."
No Blood For Oil
"We support the pro-peace and anti-war movement and are adamantly opposed to the illegitimate Bush Administration's plans to wage unilateral war against Iraq to increase economic, political and military influence over the Middle East and its oil resources. "
Reason magazine: Terror Strikes
"REASON, a monthly magazine of free minds and free markets, examines politics, culture, and ideas from a dynamic libertarian perspective"
Scoop - New Zealand News
"Scoop Provides up to the minute New Zealand News. Press Releases, Analysis, Opinion Pieces, all published the instant they are available"
"Information about opposition to coercive and unjust globalization and especially of its military wing, NATO. Home of ANTINATO Discussion List"
War in Iraq
"War in Iraq-the independent open project,operatively and objectively cover the events concerned with military actions in Iraq and about it."