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- americanholocaust · American Holocaust - USA : Natives Slaves Human Rights Death penalty
The USA always pretends to be the expert for democracy and human rights, "the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world"(G.W.Bush). So after the annihilation of Native Americans, slavery of abducted Africans (19th century), apartheid & lynching (20th century), we find poor reservations & slums, death penalty even against teenagers and still discriminated black people are main victims. Nobody stereo-types all Americans, in a violent dollarcracy people of all races can be victims of gun crimes, gangs like Scientology, new blacklists and McCartyism, have the choice between two old parties, money decides who can be candidate (Enron) and not all votes are counted (Florida). US media have told so many lies on US crimes worldwide, the cruel interventions in Latin America, CIA support for brutal dictators, horrible war atrocities like in Hiroshima or Vietnam. US money dynasties like the Bush clan were dealing with the Nazis & Hitler, enriched themselves by both world wars, the US profit tops the Marshall plan. "Bad guys" in history like Noriega, Saddam Hussein or even the Taliban trained by the CIA in Pakistan were US allies. In an era of "patriotism" horrible terrorist attacks are replied with cowardly wars in Iraq & Afghanistan -even more innocent people die with no effect on prevention of terrorism. The UN and International law like the Convention of Geneva & treaties against ABC weapons are ignored by the USA. Not only people in Cuba, Chile, Palestine, Iran, Indonesia, Philippines are affected by "lessons to the world" politicians in Washington like to teach, due to the destruction of global climate: The ignorant policy of the White House also causes waste of oil & human resources. The US produces most emissions but rejects the Kyoto agreement against global warming. Photos: Beware some folders contain violence