Issues and Causes Mailing Lists
· Perth Global Action
The Perth section of Global Action is a campus based anti-capitalist organisation composed of a diverse array of activists dedicated to fighting for an alternative to global capitalism and all of its attendant evils; hunger, war, poverty, alienation, environmental destruction, profit, private property, and a million and one other issues and struggles which we hope to become involved in. Inspired by the American student umbrella group of the late 1960's, Students for a Democratic Society, which amongst other things fought for civil rights and campaigned against the Indochina wars, Global Action hopes to reignite the fire of 1968 in 2001 and beyond. So if you want to get involved in the global struggle against capitalism, Global Action is the group for you. Join the struggle, dare to win. We have a world to save! Remember, global injustice action!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has" - Margaret Mead
If honesty matters to you and you see the truth as the only gate to peace, justice, and harmony!
If you often ask yourself! am I the only one who sees it as it is?
It is only because the self-appointed righteous speak too loud and scream in our faces all the time, to muzzle what really needed to be said, and hide or cover up what must be found!
So, come in and join us, make a difference!
Claim not the truth! just say it with courage, wisdom, and kindness to all
· Forum - opposing crimes against humanity
E-mail list for activists, social-justice/reparation/drop-the-debt campaigners, members of land-rights movements, NGOs, researchers and grassroot development workers all over the world, to assist the formation of an international network to share information regarding how the North's capitalist advancement (led by the USA) at the expense of the Neo-Colonial state is sustained by political manipulation, the imperialism and economic fraud of global institutions (eg. the WTO, IMF & World Bank) and the debt-based money system. The co-ordinators of this list - The Land is Ours (UK), Peace & Human Rights Trust (UK) & the South Asia Solidarity Campaign (based primarily in the UK) - assert within this analysis that hand-in-hand alongside the neccessary first-step of full debt cancellation (a measure which could be married to the moral imperative of reparation for the crimes of slavery & colonialism) is the fundamental overhaul & reform of the in-built corruption at-the-heart of the world economic system which is fraudulent money creation by privatised banks.