- All_Freedom · All Freedom
Throughout history the few have subjugated the many. Corporate globalization, religious nationalism, and various wars carried out by a military hegemony continue the long and bloody tradition of oppression. The sovereignty of the individual has been infringed upon over and over again for some "greater good", usually defined as manifest destiny, national security or a healthy economy. Indigenous cultures are decimated, whole populations are violently repressed, the environment is poisoned, and democracy has been sold to the highest bidder and re-packaged as consumer choice. Self-determination continues to be a minority right of moneyed interests and their legislative toadies. We are told we are powerless, that to resist these tyrannical forces is somehow disloyal or treasonous and even unnecessary . . . that it is best for our fate to be determined by invisible hands or iron fists. We do not agree.
All Freedom is dedicated to the struggle of all people seeking to free themselves of oppressive social, political and economic combinations. Our goal is to operate as a think tank of sorts, where we can discuss and contribute to the active progress of those pursuing independence. Consider rules without rulers, order without being ordered, and the myth of "objectivity".
"Liberties are not given; they are taken."
-- Aldous Huxley
- AmericanAntiImperialistLeague
To begin a Global Dialog ...
On Ending the 'Machinations' of Big Brother, the Corporate Police State, in 'The Land of the Free' ...
The Ignorance and Racism ... Violence and Deception ...
In North America, the United Kingdom, Europe ...
and Worldwide!
With a salute to Mark Twain ....
(We are one family ...)
- Bush_Occupation · Bush Occupation
Welcome to the FIGHT
against the illegal
Bush Occupation.
Bush is not worthy of the job he stole. He said he trusted the people, but when We the People elected Al Gore, Bush sued us. The rest is infamy. Bush is simply not qualified. We will never stop protesting his illegal selection as pResident.
We're working for you, fighting for your
rights full time. We rely on your support.
- bush_watchdogs · The Quest For Truth & Peace
Welcome to bush watchdogs, a group dedicated to exposing bush and bringing the real news to you without all the lies and rightwing spin!
- CitizensForLegitimateGovernment · Citizens For Legitimate Government
Exposing the Coup and Opposing the Bush Occupation:
Fighting for the lost ideal of Government of, by, and for the People.
Citizens For Legitimate Government is a multi-partisan activist group established to expose the Bu$h coup d'etat, and to oppose the Bu$h occupation in all of its manifestations.
Visit our website at www.legitgov.org
- CLG_Dem_Only
- DemocracyDepot
- impeach-bush
- nostarwars
- startpeace
- TheFalloutShelter
- Thenewbushwhackerbrigade
- US_v_Bush